Yet More Sad News

May 31, 2012 – "I just received word from Sherron Growcock today that her husband John (members of ILSR Club since 2008) passed away April 29 of pancreatic cancer. She went on to say that John enjoyed being a part of ILSR and the open houses he went to. He looked forward to having his own open house to showcase his vision, but it was interrupted by his illness. Sherron wanted to thank us all for our friendship." – Bud Hunter

Our deepest sympathies to Sherron and the family.

Sad News

May 21, 2012 – We are sorry to report that we have lost two members, Art Fite, Jr. and Jim Lee, in recent days. Our sincere condolences to the families.

Banquet Wrapup

May 20, 2012 – Great Banquet! Thanks very much to Damien Gabis and Jim Melton for the very interesting presentation about Taltree and the spectacular garden railroad that is now one of their major attractions. In an interesting twist, Jim won our raffle and took home the 1988 LGB Al Lentz 10th anniversary train set that Dave Lynn had donated for the raffle. Additionally, the door prize pool was greatly enhanced by several donors. We appreciate that.