For Sale

From: Jacquie Banks
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2014 6:14 PM
Subject: Bachmann & Aristo for sale
I received this message from David Sulewski, concerning items he has for sale.  Is this something you would like to put in the newsletter and / or on the web page?


Layout Open house at the Harrymans

Saturday MAY 31, 2014
Summer is upon us and it is time to play with our trains!!! Join us for a FUN day at the Harrymans, in Taylorville, Illinois!  This is our first out of state field trip to visit one of our member’s layouts!  We will need to meet at 11:00 A.M, at the Speedway Super Center shopping center, just off the I-465 and I-74 interchange, on Indy’s west side. See our newsletter for more details!
Don’t miss this opportunity to see a new, creative and exciting layout!

ILSR May/June Newsletter Posted

May 2, 2014 – Bud has produced yet another incredible Newsletter and it is available in full color online HERE. After a great kickoff at the April Annual Banquet, the season is fully underway with a plethora of great events starting with a road trip to Harryman’s layout. Bud has provided information about locations, times and other details of this and other events in the Newsletter. Hope you all will join us!