November 3, 2014 – Hot off the cyberthingie, PICTURES and a VIDEO from the November 1&2, 2014 Dayton, Ohio National Model Railroad Association Train Show.
Month: November 2014
HELP! Modular Group Request
November 3, 2014 – After a very successful Modular Group Show at the November, 2014 Dayton, Ohio Train Show, the Group is very anxious to get started on building the new Modular Layout 2.0. The plan is to expand the number of modules and to have the Group build all those future modules to a common and compatible theme. In that regard, James has issued this request:
To all Indiana Large Scale Railroaders,
The Modular Group needs your help. We are in process of expanding the club layout. We need donations of anything anyone has that you feel you could part with for the cause. We can especially use track, switches and crossovers. All donations would be greatly appreciated. We will use what we can for the layout and put non-usable items on eBay to buy other items we need. Plus I am still looking for serious members who want to get involved in the Modular layout.