Dave Beck’s wife fell and has had hip surgery …. Get Well cards would be appreciated. Send to home as she may not be in St. Vincent’s for very long.
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Indiana Large Scale Railroaders | ILSR
Garden Railroading in Indiana.
Dave Beck’s wife fell and has had hip surgery …. Get Well cards would be appreciated. Send to home as she may not be in St. Vincent’s for very long.
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The Spring Newsletter is now available in the Members section… Please note the information for the Spring Banquet as this year we have changed the sign up format.
Our guest speaker is Logan Day. Logan is very active in the “Save The Nickel Plate” movement and will have much to share with all of us on those plans for what has been accomplished so far, and what the current plans are for this coming year.
We set a deadline for your reservations to be sent to Marion by Monday, April 29. Thanking everyone in advance for this courtesy.
Thanks again for paying your late dues and we look forward to starting the 2019 season on May 4th.
The ILSR Board
As some members are aware, Darrell has some health issues and is selling his G scale equipment… please see the for sale section for itemized list.