June Event Updates

We are halfway through June now and have one event down and one event upcoming. But note that the event on the 26th has been changed:

The open house at the home of Randy and Jackie Banks on June 26th has been postponed till a later date. Instead, we will be meeting the same day, at George’s Grill at 11:30 AM, June 26th.. George’s Neighborhood Grill is at Binford and 71st street, actual address is 6935 Lake Plaza Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46220. We are planning on having a brief meeting, social time, and a brief presentation of some of the layouts and activities at the National Garden Railroad Convention recently held in Nashville Tennessee.

Sorry for this late change in our schedule I hope many of you have a chance to come out for this event. All families and guests are welcome.

Dave Wheelock
Event Vice President


Thanks to all who made the Upland Strawberry Festival event happen with the modular layout. Attached are a few of Brandon & Sandi Carney’s and Bill Duncan’s photos.