January 2024 Updates

A few quick club updates:

The Winter Newsletter is uploaded for your enjoyment. Bud takes us down memory lane (rails?) of past club events to tackle why the (G scale) hobby isn’t derailed, part I of Sean’s trolley project, and more!

Also updated is the first club event of the year at World’s Greatest Hobby on Tour & Great Train Show where our massive modular layout will be setup. Don’t miss it!

PS. Don’t forget to send your dues to Doug Lynn by January 31, 2024!

Time to kick off 2021!

2021 is here and it’s time to get the trains out. The spring newsletter has been added to the website and more importantly, the events calendar is posted. The first two major events are in June are bound to be fun. Starting with Strawberries at the Upland Strawberry Festival where the modular layout is set to be set up. Then Randy and Jacquie Banks are hoasting an open house to show off their beautiful garden and layout. You won’t want to miss it!

Speaking of the modular layout, James has scheduled a meeting to prepare in May. All club members are welcome to attend.

The rest of the schedule still has details being ironed out, so be sure to watch the Events page for updates.

Latest Newsletters and website issues

Hi all,

Recently you may have had an issue trying to log in to the website. There was an automatic update that caused some issues to everyone’s account. It has since been resolved (knock on wood). In the process of fixing the issue I had to reset all the passwords for every account. You can regain access to the website with your account after you complete a password reset.

I have also update the Newsletter page with (hopefully) better organization.  Please let me know your thoughts on the new layout.

