January 2024 Updates

A few quick club updates:

The Winter Newsletter is uploaded for your enjoyment. Bud takes us down memory lane (rails?) of past club events to tackle why the (G scale) hobby isn’t derailed, part I of Sean’s trolley project, and more!

Also updated is the first club event of the year at World’s Greatest Hobby on Tour & Great Train Show where our massive modular layout will be setup. Don’t miss it!

PS. Don’t forget to send your dues to Doug Lynn by January 31, 2024!

July 2023 Updates

Hey, did you read your copy of the summer newsletter? If not, it is posted on the newsletter page for you enjoyment.

There are several activities that are now on the schedule. Please be sure to note the events in you calendar. Special attention should be given to the July 29 Club Picnic. Also the Modular Layout will be setup August 5-6 at the Franklin Train Show! Be sure to watch for James’ emails for notes about setup times.

Enjoy the summer track time!

Fall Newsletters are Here!

And suddenly fall is here as the temperatures cool off and out of scale leaves find their way back to our rails… But on the bright side, Bud Hunter has produced another fantastic newsletter! This months newsletter contains information about today’s luncheon, A review of 2022 so far, photos of the recent open houses, and so much more!

Also to help you delay in collecting leaves (only so more of them are down before removal of course), is the September/October GR News. The headline articles are as follows: Making a S.R.&R.L. Consist, Engine House Under Construction, and Maryland Central RR: Railroad on a Right of Way.

Happy reading!

Catching up on the news!

Hello all, I was a bit behind on posting the fall newsletter here on the website. In that time the September/October Garden Railroading News has come out. Please enjoy.

In other news, the next couple of events are just around the corner. First is the November 20 Danville Train Show and (yes it is that time already) Jingle Rails!

Lastly, a shout out to the last Modular Layout setup getting a brief mention in the news shown below.