November 3, 2014 – Hot off the cyberthingie, PICTURES and a VIDEO from the November 1&2, 2014 Dayton, Ohio National Model Railroad Association Train Show.
David Palmeter
HELP! Modular Group Request
November 3, 2014 – After a very successful Modular Group Show at the November, 2014 Dayton, Ohio Train Show, the Group is very anxious to get started on building the new Modular Layout 2.0. The plan is to expand the number of modules and to have the Group build all those future modules to a common and compatible theme. In that regard, James has issued this request:
To all Indiana Large Scale Railroaders,
The Modular Group needs your help. We are in process of expanding the club layout. We need donations of anything anyone has that you feel you could part with for the cause. We can especially use track, switches and crossovers. All donations would be greatly appreciated. We will use what we can for the layout and put non-usable items on eBay to buy other items we need. Plus I am still looking for serious members who want to get involved in the Modular layout.
ILSR Newsletter for November/December
October 29, 2014 – The Indiana Large Scale Railroaders November/December 2014 Newsletter is posted HERE. Bud has his usual array of great articles, including one close to my heart, a fall train trip up the New River gorge over the old C&O tracks. Thanks for the memories, Bud!
Maintenance of Way Suggestion
October 24, 2014 – Having trouble with your MOW gang just standing around watching one guy work? How about a worker who will maintain your right-of-way for just a meal?
Happy Members Ride Train, Eat Pizza
September 26, 2014 – President Jacquie sent this picture from the Hensley’s, showing the intrepid crew that rode the Pizza Train September 13, 2014.
Huge Dayton Train Show – Nov 1&2
September 25, 2014 – NOTE – James has a Dayton Show organization meeting planned for the Module Group and other interested folks. Check HERE for the update.
September 20, 2014 – James has sent more information about the 39th Annual Dayton, Ohio Train Show. Click HERE to see a very detailed letter about the Show. I could tell that James is ultra-excited about the show when he closed his letter with this: “If any of our members miss this Show, they might as well put their trains back in the box, put the box in the closet, lock the door and forget about them.”
So, you definitely will want to put this Show on your calendar to see our ILSR Module Group display and lots of train items in all scales, including ‘G’.
Sept/Oct 2014 ILSR Newsletter On Line
September 5, 2014 – The outstanding-as-usual newsletter is available HERE including coverage of recent events and a great article about a scratch built structure.
Alaska Railfan Tour 2014
August 30, 2014 – In July, Judy and I had an incredible trip to Alaska. I am mentioning it here because it turned out to be a great rail fan tour and I took a lot of pictures of the Alaska Railroad, its trains and operations. Did you know they still do flag stops? You can read all about it HERE.
Castleton Church Modular Display
July 31, 2014 – Click HERE for two videos from the July 12, 2014 modular show at Castleton Church. From Jacquie
July 26, 2014 – From James: We had a good show and crowd considering it was a neighborhood church function. We filled the gym with a 40×50 modular layout. On Sunday we put together a consist of 3 dash 9 locomotives pulling 41 freight cars. It snaked through 3 corners plus the trestle with engines and cars still passing on both ends. On Saturday Andy and I put together 3 dash 9’s with 10 USA Trains new auto carrier cars. Quite impressive.
ILSR July/August 2014 Newsletter Posted
June 30, 2014 – Bud has produced yet another excellent Newsletter. The July/August 2014 issue is in full color HERE.